Label Accuracy Guarantee

Did you know that the ingredients in most CBD products do not match what's listed on the label? In fact, in a 2017 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that 70% of 84 CBD products tested did not meet label claims. When purchasing CBD products, look for an official hemp certificate of analysis.

At HerbMagix, we doubly test for potency using independent, certified third-party labs to ensure our products meet CBD and THC content claims. We sell only high-quality CBD that meets our label guarantee.

We also test every product batch to ensure it is free of heavy metals, microbials, and unnatural pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. As a final check, the HerbMagix Quality Assurance Team closely monitors the amount of CBD and THC in each product to ensure label accuracy. Our CBD potency is measured and covered by a COA hemp guarantee.

When you buy our products, you can rest assured that what you see on the label is what's inside the container.

Trust HerbMagix for all your CBD needs.